CMM 202 Media literacy w2


To develop an appreciation for the five key concepts of media literacy.


Media literacy is the ability to critically analyze, evaluate, and understand the messages conveyed through various forms of media, including news, social media, television, movies, and advertising. Media literacy skills enable individuals to navigate the complex world of media, including identifying biases, recognizing propaganda, and understanding how media can shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Understanding how media messages are created, disseminated, and interpreted is a vital skill to help navigate complex issues and to critically evaluate the messages they are receiving. Being media literate is vital to becoming more informed and engaged citizens. 


After reviewing, Section 1.7 in Chapter 1, “Media Literacy,” of Saylor’s Understanding Media and Culture, and watching the video, “Crash Course Media Literacy Preview” (1:52 min.) (  reply to this post with a comprehensive response that addresses ONE of the following questions: 

  1. What is your understanding of media literacy, and why are its skills important in today’s world?  
  2. What is your role as an individual in interpreting media messages?  

Complete your response by connecting your ideas to the course content that you were asked to read and use American Psychological Association-style in-text citations and end-of-text references. If you are unfamiliar with that reference style, you can find examples in our library’s APA 7th Edition Citation Examples: General Rules 

Very important: use attach material

Applied Sciences Health information Technology Homework


TOPIC:  Severity of Illness

Case Study, Chapter 8, p. 148

AHIMA Competency IV.1.RM:  Determine diagnosis and procedure codes and groupings according to official guidelines (5)


Review the criteria set in Table 8.3 and the History & Physical Report in Figure 8.10.

After this review, determine whether or not with specificity (examples); e.g. yes or not then explain why

1)  The patient meets the severity of illness criteria; and

2)  The patient meets the intensity of service criteria.



W5A Medications for Three Systems


Medications for Lymph, Respiratory, and Immune Systems


Pharmacology and Medical Terminology Integration

Medications designed for the lymph, respiratory, and immune systems play a pivotal role in maintaining health. Understanding these medications is crucial for healthcare professionals.

Case Study: Improving Medication Compliance in the Elderly

As a volunteer at a Senior Citizens center, you’ve been tasked with addressing concerns about medication non-compliance among the elderly. Your mission is to prepare a simple form outlining common medications for the lymph, respiratory, and immune systems, emphasizing their significance in promoting adherence.


Create a Medication Chart

Using a simple Word document, craft a table with three columns:

  • Name of medication (both generic and brand),
  • Group of medication,
  • What the medication does and why it is important?

Include the Following Medications:

  • Antihyperlipidemic agents (statins),
  • Antiplatelet agents,
  • Anticoagulant agents,
  • ACE inhibitor agents,
  • Antiarrhythmic agents.

Optional Categories:

  • Feel free to add any additional categories you find relevant (not required).

Cite References:

  • Ensure proper citation of references used.  
  • Utilize reputable sources to support the information provided.

Maintain Proper Language Standards:

  • Uphold standards of proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling throughout your assignment. 

W5D2 Root Word


You will practice creating scenarios in which lymphatic, immune, and respiratory terms are needed.

Demonstrate the proper use of lymph, respiratory, and immune system medical terms. Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Add prefixes and suffixes to the root terms to create new words, showcasing your understanding of terminology components.
  • Compose a 5-6 sentence paragraph describing a situation related to the lymph, respiratory, and immune systems, incorporating as many terms as possible. This exercise aims to demonstrate your ability to apply medical terms in practical scenarios.
  •  Cite any references used  

Reasearch Paper: final paper on Child Abuse

I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

This is the only paragraph that should not be indented. Unless otherwise instructed, APA recommends an abstract be between 150–250 words. It should not contain any citations or direct quotes. This should be a tight, concise summary of the main points in your paper, not a step-by-step of what you plan to accomplish in your paper. The keywords noted below highlight the search terms someone would use to find your paper in a database; they should be formatted as shown – indented ½”, with the word “Keywords” in italics, and the few key words in normal print, separated by a comma.

Keywords: main words, primary, necessary, search terms

Research Paper: Final Paper Sample

The title of your paper goes on the top line of the first page of the body. It should be centered, bolded, and in title case. You will then write an introductory paragraph, which will include your thesis statement. You will not use the heading “Introduction”.

Heading Levels—Level 1

Level 1 headings are bolded and in title case — capitalize each major word (usually those with four or more letters).

Level 2 Heading

Level 2 headings are bolded, in title case, and left-justified. The supporting information is posed in standard paragraph form beneath it. Never use only one of any level of heading. You must use two or more of any level you use, though not every paper will require more than one level.

Level 3 Heading

Level 3 headings are in bold italic, in title case, and left-justified. Text begins as a new paragraph under the heading.

Level 4 Heading. Level 4 headings are indented, bold, in title case, and ending with a period. Text begins on the same line and continues as a regular paragraph.

Level 5 Heading.
Level 5 headings are indented, bold italic, in title case, and ending with a period. Text begins on the same line and continues as a regular paragraph.


The conclusion to your paper should provide your readers with a concise summary of the main points of your paper (though not via cut-and-pasted sentences used above). It is a very important element, as it frames your whole ideology and gives your reader his or her last impression of your thoughts.


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article.
Title of Periodical, volume

number(issue number), pages. 






DISCUSSION 1 (Donavan)

Community health programs are very important in promoting public health (Sadana &

Blas, 2013). The many challenges that communities face in terms of health range from more

common problems such as poor nutrition, obesity, and existence of chronic diseases such as

diabetes and arthritis to more serious problems such as drug addiction, human trafficking, and

communicable diseases. Having a health program in place to address any of these problems is

essential in promoting public health by fostering healthful behaviors and

lifestyles that lead to diseases prevention and prevention of other subhealth conditions.

One health program that I would like to see in my community is a meal and nutrition

program for the elderly. Many elderly people in my community and across the United States

suffer from lack of adequate nutrition due to their mobility problems and inability to effectively

and timely prepare their meals due to debilitating illnesses and other challenges. For example,

there was an elderly lady living in my neighborhood and she used a walker and lived alone. She

was not able to cook her own meals because of her illnesses. She was diabetic and had suffered

from a stroke and also had high blood pressure. Her former church sister would be the one to

provide her with meals. There was a “Meals on Wheels” program that delivered packaged frozen

foods, but she could not eat them due to their tastes and the contents of the meals. This led to her

having poor nutrition. Therefore, starting a community health nutrition program for the elderly

who live alone would certainly benefit my community and others.


This program could be community-based where retired volunteers who are healthy and

independent offer to work together to cook meals and package and distribute them to elderly

people. Planning models are very important in community health. According to Crosby and Noar

(2011), “Planning models exist at a macroscopic level; they serve as an organizing framework

for an entire health promotion effort aimed at fostering reduction in a given disease” (p. 7).

While planning models are important in community health, many programs can work without

applying a formal and published planning model. Community health is often very practical rather

than theoretical and academic when it comes to small communities and their needs. This simple

arrangement can be coordinated effectively without a planning model. However, a planning

model can lead to better results in terms of organization, resources, and reach of programs.

As you are responding to others, note any common goals you may have with your peers.

Do any of your peers desire a certain health program with which you have experience?

Based on exploring the community health programs and problems being addressed by my

classmates, I do not have any expertise in those areas. One common goal was found with Samuel

Akapo’s post where he is developing a program to address chronic diseases, which my program

also aims at addressing. However, the program I proposed is based on preventive health and also

focuses on a narrower population – the elderly. Samuel focuses on delivering “training on

disease management, access to healthcare specialists, and support groups” while my focus is on

delivering basic necessity in terms of food to the elderly. I have not worked in the health field

over the years but have some experience in delivering meals to the elderly, and this is very

important and a way to promote health in the elderly.



Crosby, R., & Noar, S.M. (2011). What is a planning model? An introduction to

PRECEDE-PROCEED. J Public Health Dent. 2011 Winter;71 Suppl 1:S7-15. doi:

10.1111/j.1752-7325.2011.00235.x. PMID: 21656942.

Sadana, R., & Blas, E. (2013). What can public health programs do to improve health

equity?. Public Health Reports, 128(6_suppl3), 12-20.

Tufte Reading Having read Chapteron_Tufte.pdf and using Global Superstore.xls

Tufte Reading

Having read Chapters4&5_Visual_Display_Quantitative_Information_Tufte.pdf Download Chapters4&5_Visual_Display_Quantitative_Information_Tufte.pdfand using Global Superstore.xls Download Global Superstore.xls:

1) Make and upload visualization Tufte would take issue with (20 pts)

2) In a few lines, explain what parts of the visualization Tufte would complain about most (15 pts)

3) Revise your visualization to remove or correct those parts (15 pts)

Develop required statement

The next subsections to focus on drafting are your purpose statement and nature of the doctoral project or dissertation-in-practice. Your focus should be on defining the purpose of your study and providing a summary of the nature of the doctoral project or dissertation-in-practice in the respective subsections. Concentrate on developing clear alignment between the previously developed subsections in Section 1. Your project design is effectively aligned to the problem statement when it ensures that the selected methods will actually measure what they are intended to measure and validates your project topic and design. 

Week 4 : COM5405.21 , Major Paper


Q.1 Major Paper Instructions


Title: Persuasion and Influence in American Life

Author: Gary C. Woodward and Robert E. Denton Jr.

Publisher: Waveland Press

Year Published: 2019 Edition: 8th

ISBN: 139781478636120

Completion requirements

Your major paper is focused on persuasion theories

Read Chapters Five and six and select only three theories. 

1. Attribution Theory

2. Social judgment theory

3. The motivated sequence theory

In writing your paper, please follow the following questions, which you can use as subheadings for each theory:

1. Define your theory.  In your definition, mention the name of the theory, who founded it, when it was founded, and whether the theory is known by other names

2. Describe the different concepts of the theory, in other words, the components or parts which make up the theory

3. Find scenes from a movie, advertisement, political speech, organizational messages, or everyday life where this theory can be applied.

4. Explain how this theory helps us to understand persuasion better


·       Your paper should be 11-12 pages long, excluding the cover page and reference page You do not need to include an abstract.

·       Include 5-6 academic sources

·       Use the APA 7TH edition for formatting and citations

Chapters 5 and 6















Effective Communication (DISCUSSION 1)


Effective Communication

While you are focused on learning terms, phrases, abbreviations, and proper placement into sentences, the eventual goal is for you to become fluent in the language of health professions. Becoming fluent in English medical terms is not sufficient. Healthy People 2020-2030 clearly links health disparities, which include cultural and lingual differences, as a barrier to health equity. It is imperative proper processes, including interpreters, interpreter phone lines, health information provided in all languages, respect for cultural differences, and great care for the patient’s understanding of confusing medical terms, are established and followed. Healthy People 2020-2030

Watch the video: How Effective Healthcare Communication Contributes to Health Equity (07:14)

Personalize a plan to ensure effective healthcare communication for all.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Summarize your three most important takeaways from the video
  • Discuss your role in ensuring those important points are met.