Building Teams

Building Teams

Building Teams

Ensuring That All Members Clearly Understand the Goals of the Team

Goals are essential in maintaining collaboration among team members and defining team members” roles and responsibilities. One of the steps I would take to ensure that all members clearly understand the team’s goals is focusing on the team’s primary objective and the milestones that should be met. The second step is using visual communication to communicate the goals. According to Griffin et al. (2013), visual communication increases communication engagement, thus promoting information clarity and retention. I would ensure that I use clear graphic images that the team members can easily interpret and encourage them to ask questions about unclear information. The third step is breaking down the goals into different parts based on what every team member should achieve. The fourth step is using a clear communication channel that facilitates the exchange of information among team members to ensure that the goals are clear to all members and are aligned with the team’s purpose.

Building a Strong, Cohesive Team

Creating a cohesive team can be challenging due to team members’ differences in knowledge, skills, competencies, and perspectives (Reuter et al., 2017). Therefore, I would focus on creating long-term team cohesiveness by enhancing engagement among team members. One of the steps I would take to build a strong, cohesive team is creating an open-door policy. An open-door policy enables employees to share concerns and ideas with their leaders. I would make an open door policy by developing a conflict management approach to resolve conflicts among team members, establishing boundaries to regulate the behavior of team members, and setting expectations for every team member. Setting expectations is vital in creating a sense of direction for team members and collaboration to meet a common goal. An open-door policy will increase the team’s strength and cohesiveness by building trust among team members.

The second step is being open to feedback from all team members. I would ensure that constructive criticism is provided to encourage team members to speak up, thus facilitating the exchange of ideas and reducing conflict by ensuring that team members” concerns are addressed on time. The third step is being open and honest with the team members. Honesty is essential in creating a cohesive team because it improves interpersonal communication among team members and creates trust between team members. Honesty is also critical, making a sense of responsibility and accountability among team members, thus increasing the team’s effectiveness.

Managing Interactions in the Team

Managing interactions among team members is vital in creating a sense of belonging, which can be leveraged to meet the team’s goals. Interactions also increase engagement among team members, leading to team effectiveness and achieving various goals and objectives. One of the steps I would take to manage the interactions in the team is creating a communication channel that allows all team members to express their concerns and ideas and contribute to decision-making. I would use collaborative communication tools to ensure every team member is actively engaged. The second step that I would take is encouraging diversity and inclusion. According to Dancygier (2017), inclusion creates a conducive environment for expressing ideas and participating in the team’s activities. Therefore, I would encourage every team member to embrace dtheir differencesto create a productive, diverse team. The third step is using team building activities to encourage team members to work together and interact outside the work environment. Team building activities would also enable team members to identify each other’s strengths and weaknesses, thus reducing conflicts.


Dancygier, R. M. (2017). Defining and explaining inclusion. Dilemmas of Inclusion.

Griffin, M., Barnhurst, K., & Craig, R. (2013). Visual communication. Communication.

Reuter, L., Berndt, J. O., & Timm, I. J. (2017). Challenges of simulating teamwork in organizational scenarios. 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC).


We’ll write everything from scratch


Human resources professionals are frequently assigned to be members of newly formed project teams. In most cases, the HR person’s role in the team is to keep the group focused and on task.

Building Teams

Building Teams

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

You have been asked to lead a team on a new project. Discuss the steps that you will take to complete the following:

Ensure that all members clearly understand the goals of the team.
Build a strong, cohesive team.
Manage the interactions in the team.
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least two classmates with a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

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