Biology [u06a1] Week 6 Assignment: Research Concepts Matrix 8030


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Research Concepts Matrix

Please note that the first row of data is meant as an example. Please read the example article (Mok et al., 2022) as a guide for how to dissect each of the four articles assigned. The links to the four required assigned articles are found in the Announcements area of our courseroom. These articles change each quarter. Please do not use any other articles. Use only the four articles linked in the courseroom Announcements. They are the same four articles you used for the previous assignment.

Keep in Mind:

1). This is not merely an assignment for you to find information in an article and copy and paste information into the columns in the below matrix. Read and analyze the authors’ work in each article and evaluate it based on the assigned readings for this course and then offer your evaluation of what you read. You are to write content in the matrix to reflect that you are an informed consumer of research.

2). There is much variation in published primary research articles and reports. Not all authors will include all the same information, verbatim or at all, based on the headings in the columns below. If that is the case, you will need to offer your own analysis of what the information should be in a logical manner aligned to the other information in the source that is provided. There should be no blank cells in the matrix below.

3). Communicate your input in a manner that is completely scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting, with few or no errors and include a formal APA style reference list. The reference from the example article has been completed for you to use as a model.

Parenthetical Citation

Purpose of the study (word-for-word)

Statement of the research problem (summarized in your own words)

Limitations and Implications of the study (summarized in your own words)

Ethical conduct demonstrated in the study

Future research possibilities (e.g., how could a researcher extend the research detailed in the study—may address limitations, for example)

(Mok et al., 2022)

The purpose of this paper is to understand the experience of human resource (HR) professionals in managing career development for older workers.

The gap in the previous research was that there was very little research on career development in older workers in the workplace. Many organizations don’t provide career development support for older workers. Previous research on older workers looked at things like ineffective training, attitudes about older workers, the desirability of longer working lives in the workplace, and organizational change practices. None of the previous research has focused on the design and implementation of career development for older workers.

Research implications: Very little research on HR professionals has focused on their experiences through a qualitative lens. The personal identity of HR professionals as older workers themselves demonstrated the “trickle down” effect of innovative career development practices for older workers.

Practical implications: Organizations need to address bias against older workers. Often, organizations see the value in older workers but that does not translate into career development practices—perhaps as a result of subconscious ageism.

Limitations: The study was conducted at three large organizations in Australia limiting the application of the findings to smaller organizations or other nations. The experiences of HR professionals in those settings may be very different.

Informed consent to participate in audio-recorded interview. Participant anonymity. Pseudonyms used and no identifying information was included in the study.

More qualitative research focusing on HR professionals’ experiences could result in a benefit to older workers for career development. The development of career development models for older workers is another potential area for future research. Finally, exploring workplace culture and the way organizations value older workers is important for further study given the increased time many will spend in the workplace well into later life.





Mok, I., Mackenzie, L., & Thomson, K. (2023). The experiences of human resource professionals in managing career development of an ageing workforce: A narrative thematic analysis.
 Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 18(1), 67-83.




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