Biology ✔️Assignment Chapter 13 Meiosis
Assignment purpose: The focus of this assignment is to gain a better understanding of the role of Anaphase I and II in meiosis.
Building Knowledge
Video 1- Select the link. Watch the video about the terminology diploid and haploid. Pause to take notes and read about the topic in the textbook chapter.
Diploid and Haploid CellsLinks to an external site.
Video 2- Select the link. Watch the video about meiosis I and meiosis II. Pay special attention to what structures are moving to opposite poles of the cell during anaphase I and II. Pause to take notes and read about the topic in the textbook chapter.
MeiosisLinks to an external site.
Download the worksheet and follow the instructions.
Assignment Worksheet for Meiosis Chpt. 13-3.docxDownload Assignment Worksheet for Meiosis Chpt. 13-3.docx
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View the grading rubric.
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Assignment Rubric (3)Assignment Rubric (3)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent90 to >85.0 ptsProficientAll of the content of the assignment is provided and accurate. Or minor errors present. No content is missing.85 to >69.0 ptsLimitedSome of the content is missing or inaccurate.69 to >0.0 ptsIncompleteMost of the content missing or inaccurate.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAssignment not submitted90 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation10 ptsProficientNo issues with clarity, organization or readability.8 ptsLimitedSome issues with clarity, organization or readability6 ptsIncompleteMajor issues with clarity, organization or readability0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAssignment not submitted10 pts
Total Points: 100PreviousNext
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