Entries by bonniejecinta

HIPAA Compliance Checklist Paper

Develop a release of patient information compliance checklist (3-4 pages) for hospital staff members to follow. Include an introduction that covers the HIPAA Privacy Rule, proper and improper use of health information, and existing controls to protect patient confidentiality and privacy.

Watch total of 45 Videos and Write about what you watched

 —15 LECTURE VIDEOSSeven main points are covered in each video, and you will write at least one short paragraph on the significance of each. You may choose from any of Dr. Masters’ weekly videos appearing on the University of Metaphysics website or on our YouTube channel. At least three of the video subjects should be

Welcome to the 88CLB Fanpage Community

  Welcome to the 88CLB Fanpage Community 1. “Join the 88CLB Fanpage Community for Exclusive Content and News Updates” Are you a fan of 88CLB and want to stay updated on the latest news and exclusive content? Look no further than the 88CLB Fanpage Community! By joining our fanpage, you will have access to all

Memo to HIM Director

 Write a memo (1-page) to a HIM director explaining data entry inaccuracies and deficiencies in the EHR system that potentially impact clinical care. Include an explanation of the findings and their importance. Provide evidence-based recommendations to address identified issues. Provide EHR Go supporting activities as attachments to the memo. 

PowerPoint on CDS (clinical decision support)

 Create a slide presentation (20 minutes; 12–15 slides) on clinical decision support (CDS) systems for a new hire orientation. Address CDS functions, users, and the distinctions among coded, non-coded, structured, and unstructured EHR data entry. Include audio recording and speaker’s notes with presentation. 

Is Escape Road the best driving game?

Immerse yourself in the endless chase of the  escape road  game. Level up your driving prowess and reflexes for an experience you won’t soon forget. Keep on your way across town, collect all the awards you can, and see how long you can make it.  


Module 1 – SLP DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT AND THE LAW SLP Assignment In this SLP assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation (with audio) about age discrimination. To begin, review the SLP materials related to age discrimination in the background material. To better inform yourself, also do some independent research to identify trends in

ITM 301 Module 3 Case 3 make up

Module 3 – Case COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGIES AND IT INFRASTRUCTURE Assignment Overview Working in teams separated by time zones is always a challenge. For this Case you will be assigned to a team of 5 other students. This will provide an opportunity for you to use a collaboration group tool or tools as you research an

Proposal For Software

 Prepare a 3–4 page proposal for a new software system that explains the forces driving the change, the ethical considerations behind the proposed change, the risks to the organization of not accepting the proposed change, and the benefits of accepting the proposed change. 

PowerPoint Lunch & Learn

 Prepare an 8–10 slide PowerPoint presentation for a Lunch and Learn.  As a new leader, you’ve decided to prepare a 30-minute Lunch and Learn agenda to give to healthcare managers to cover the topic of ethical theories and principles. Explain the relationship between personal integrity and ethical leadership, and between ethical leadership and positive organizational