Entries by bonniejecinta

One 250 word answer

Week2.docx Review Article: Physician perceptions of documentation methods in electronic health records (sagepub.com) You have just been hired as the new practice manager for an Oncology practice. You have been asked to determine the best way to manage patient data for clinical and administrative purposes. You will need to adopt a practice management electronic health


urpose This assignment allows the learner to apply knowledge gained about health promotion concepts and strategies, enhance written communication skills, and demonstrate a beginning understanding of cultural competency.  Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: 1. Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health promotion activities. (PO 1 and 2) 

Applied Sciences Week #2 Assignments

Assignment540week2.docx Week #2 Overview of Module 2: Tier 1 Assessment and Intervention Tier 1 of the SWPBIS framework is a foundational and essential component of a comprehensive approach to promoting positive behavior and creating a supportive school environment. SWPBIS is an evidence-based framework that aims to improve student behavior, enhance school climate, and foster academic

Micro bio discussion 250 words

To contribute to this discussion forum:  Watch the  TED talk on “How Vaccines Work” https://youtu.be/55wOg9fe_Ms?si=UYxH9hQKqlbIOiEA  and Herd Immunity .     https://youtu.be/ZRclbfK5q08?si=jgVwcCkUSGkG6fXB    ( Click on the link to watch the videos)and write a short report (200-250 words, in your own words) on what you learned and understood from this talks and your perspective on the topic. Your perspectives on

Can this be done in 15 hours?

  Instructions After you view the Group Counseling With Inmates: San Quentin Prison video in Week 2: Group Leadership SkillsLinks to an external site., draft a 3–4 page paper that analyzes the group facilitators’ performance when addressing issues related to group engagement and in-group authority. Please structure your paper according to the following outline: Group Summary. Summarize

You want me to sign WHAT for financial responsibility?

  A recent addition to the standard financial responsibility verbiage in the standard physician forms is the agreement to pay or accept responsibility to pay for services if the insurance company does not cover the visit or portions thereof. Wait! What? Isn’t that why I have insurance? Isn’t that what my premiums are for and

Applied Sciences Homework Help APA Format

Essay.docx APA Format Using your own words (400-word count), perform the searches below and report on the following:   1. Search the AHIMA Body of Knowledge to determine what types of research that has been done in health information. 2. Search the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity and search the

Applied Sciences HIT Homework Help APA Format

HITLabProject6-AI.docx TOPIC:  Artificial Intelligence (AI) APA FORMAT   Define, describe and give examples of AI.  To further demonstrate your creativity and comprehension of AI, please go beyond AI in IT or technology industry, give examples of AI in other areas such as medical, business, education, law and manufacturing. Be sure to cite your references and