Entries by bonniejecinta

Applied Sciences Assignment

Consider students in grades 5th-7th for this assignment. Select a specific disability category (intellectual disability, specific learning disability, emotional behavior disorders, autism spectrum disorder, traumatic brain injury, or orthopedic impairment). Create a 250-500 word digital brochure that could be given to families and provide information about services and supports for individuals with disabilities. The brochure

Health informatics Article

I have chosen the article Meeting the challenge: Health information technology’s essential role in achieving precision medicineI need ppt slides as the same file i have uploaded( same sequence.Article Overview.Introduction.Objective.Method.Results.Conclusions. youtube link to to explain the topic)Another is a 2 page word file summary for the articleAll files are attached and instructions and article.

Injury and Treatment Situations

Create a short Power Point covering one of the situations of emergency/injury with the four questions listed below. (You choose which situation to address). Title your thread a summary of your emergency (2-5 words) for example, “Stomach hurts/possible poison” or “Fell off monkey bars” Please note that the name of the ailment has not been