Entries by bonniejecinta

COM 3404- Discussion Post #2

In previous generations, tattooing was something done primarily by those, mostly males, in the military and only to a small extent (one or two relatively small tattoos, such as an anchor on a forearm). Also, women rarely were seen with tattoos and those were rarely visible to anyone who passed by. Today, tattooing has become

IDS 3336- Discussion Board #3

You are required to post items to the course online discussion forum that add value to the topic that is covered for the week, linking theory (from class readings and videos) to real-world examples. Make specific connections and include citations or statements from the video(s) and reading(s) covered this week. Reflect on the following questions:

Applied Sciences COM 3417- Movie Clip Reflection Assignment 1

Submit a 1-2 page reflection on how directors and cinematographers shape meaning in film using cinematography.  You have a choice: Spike Lee’s School Daze (1987). Then analyze how cinematography works in TWO scenes. The following question should help frame your response: What shots and angles do directors and their cinematographers choose and why? Double space

unit bel ass 1

Unit 2: Writing Assignment 1 Due Saturday by 11:59pm Points 50 Submitting a file upload Unit 2, Assignment 1 Rubric (50 points)  Done Mark as done Start Assignment Writing Assignments: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m. Assignment 1 (50 points) Prompt: An anchor chart is a poster of sorts that teachers can use as a

Bio Week 3 Reflection

  General Reflection Requirements As part of your learning experience, active participation in the reflection is essential. An important part of the final grade will be based on your participation. You will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of your participation in the forum corresponding to the grading rubric. Your post is due by

bel unit 1 ass 2

Bel unit 1 ass 2 | Biology homework help tretaylor Prompt: After reading pages 4 and 5 and examining Figure 1.2 in Chapter 1 of Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: Helping Every Child Succeed, give an analysis of how these “Big Five” components work together during reading instruction. How do they work interdependently to

Biology Assignment part 1

Cancer Public Service  Announcement Project  The local chapter of the American Cancer Society has learned that you are taking a Cancer Biology college course and have asked you to help them develop a public service announcement. The goal is to educate the public in your community about the biology of one specific type of cancer

Ethical Considerations when Providing ABA Treatment

  When working through the scenarios answer the following questions for each scenario:1. Is there an ethical concern in the scenario?2. If so, what is the concern/problem?3. If you witnessed this what would you do?4. If you were the person in the scenario what would you do differently?Scenario #1:Dr. Smith is 53 years old, is

trident mod 3 – F24

Module 3 – SLP QUALITATIVE DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The SLP assignments in this course will assist you with the development of an annotated bibliography. This document will become a valuable resource as you complete your study. For SLP 3, add to your annotated bibliography for your doctoral study. Review five new articles that focus

trident mod 2 – f10

Module 2 – SLP QUANTITATIVE DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The SLP assignments in this course will assist you with the development of an annotated bibliography. This document will become a valuable resource as you complete your study. For SLP 2, add to your annotated bibliography for your doctoral study. Review five new articles that focus