Entries by bonniejecinta

IDS 3336- Discussion Board #4

 Find an example of an artwork that is meaningful to you. The piece can be in any medium (singing, painting, video of a dance, sculpture, music video, etc.), from any period, and from any civilization/culture. Post a link Post a link to the image or music and provide the Name of the Piece, the Name

Applied Sciences IDS 3336- Assignment #3

Read Chapter 5 Answer each question and make specific connections between this week assigned readings/ videos.  Reading Questions How did Lilly Martin Spencer counter social conventions of behavior at the time she was painting? Give an example of how personal identity might be expressed in art. Give an example of symbolism used and its meaning

Biology Can I get expert guidance for physics, chemistry, and biology assignments?

Yes! Students can easily access science assignment help for physics, chemistry, and biology assignments. These subjects often involve complex theories, formulas, and experiments that require a deep understanding to solve effectively. Expert guidance ensures that students receive accurate solutions, clear explanations, and structured answers to improve their knowledge and grades. In physics assignments, students often


The planning and evaluation processes consist of various steps that make them successful. Which step is most important? Please provide a rationale for your answer giving examples. Your journal entry must be at least 250 words in length. Not including references and title page.

leadership orgl510 wk 2

ContemporaryArticleReviewAssingmentOGL510.docx OGL 510: Contemporary Article Critique (100 Points) Description: Select a research article related to the study of leadership. Read it and prepare an overview and critique using the following outline. You will share an overview of your article and involve the class in a discussion as well as any critical assessment (yours or theirs).

Bio Week 4 Reflection

  General Reflection Requirements As part of your learning experience, active participation in the reflection is essential. An important part of the final grade will be based on your participation. You will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of your participation in the forum corresponding to the grading rubric. Your post is due by

Biology unit 3 assignment 1

REA 604 Advanced Early Literacy I Belhaven University Unit 3 Syllabication and Syllable Division 1 ◼ Oral Language and Listening ◼ Syllable Division Rules ◼ Syllabication 2 Unit Topics ◼ Identify the different syllable types typical to the English language. ◼ Syllabicate words for the purposed of multisyllabic decoding. 3 Unit Objectives ◼ Skilled readers

Applied Sciences COM 4430- Weekly Assignment 2- CH. 3 & 4

Answer each question citing the chapters. 1. Explain the differences between work attitudes in the United States and other countries. Are your personal work attitudes typical of the U.S. culture or another​ culture? 2. How are attitudes toward women culturally​ different? In what countries are women and men treated equally in the​ workplace? 3. Explain