Entries by bonniejecinta

Assistance with English proof reading and editing

Assignment 3 Due 3/14 Part 1 First, review the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ8MfxyP2iA&t=7s Now, review the following scenario (which can be an example of other situations): Donald is a Team Leader at TelephonUs Inc., a local direct sales company. His team has been assigned to handle recruitment via telephone for another direct sales company. Because of

380 pap topic w2

  STEM and society related topic. We will break this process into 3 submissions. Here in Week 2, you will identify your topic choice and submit it for approval. By Week 7, you will have conducted research to write a paper that discusses the way your choice is approached in 2 different societies.Identify a STEM

Practical Communication and Public Speaking Skills TEST

Practical Communication and Public Speaking Skills TEST The test has 3 short writing questions and 9 multiple choice questions. I uploaded the test. I also uploaded the weekly study material. I also uploaded the Public Speaking Mini-Course PDF Materials used for question 1. I also uploaded the eBook used for question 2.

Math 302 Final Project

Instructions Final Project Assignment Instructions Scenario Background: A marketing company based out of New York City is doing well and is looking to expand internationally. The CEO and VP of Operations decide to enlist the help of a consulting firm that you work for, to help collect data and analyze market trends.  You work for

Applied Sciences HIT Homework Help 350 words app format

253LabProject8.docx APA Format Case:  “…..or Else I Quit!” (AHIMA Subdomain:  VI.1–Demonstrate fundamental leadership skills) From Chapter 23:  Personnel Retention, p.344, answer the three (3) questions posed and demonstrate your knowledge and comprehension of contents and concepts introduced using minimum 350-word count.  image1.jpeg

Root Cause Analysis

  Now that you have completed a Gemba Walk—where you’ve gathered information about the organization and identified opportunities to eliminate inefficiencies, reduce waste, improve a product, or streamline a process—it’s time to look closer at these potential improvements and get to the root cause of why the issues are occurring. After reviewing these potential opportunities

Applied Sciences IDS 3336- Assignment #7

QUESTION 1 – Post a link to any artwork and provide: the name of the piece the name of the artist (if it’s an ancient piece you probably won’t know the name – put Artist Unknown in that case), the date of the piece what civilization or culture it is from (i.e. China, Greece, Senegal

Bio 1100 Week 9 Reflection

  Select two of the unit student learning outcome (USLO) prompts below to respond to in this week’s reflection. Differentiate the divisions of the nervous system. Distinguish between components of neurons and glial cells.  Differentiate ion channels and the processes of nerve transmission at a synapse. Identify the events involved in the generation and propagation

Reply to discussion

Numerous communities implement guidelines that help people achieve health through proper nutrition. The Dietary Guidelines for Decreasing Added Sugars and Added Salt constitute one of the guidelines I know about through institutions World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These guidelines instruct people to decrease their added sugar and added


DirectionsCaseStudy6–Real-WorldCase6.1.docx Case Study #6–Real-World Case 6.1  TOPIC:  Strategic Planning Process No references needed. APA Format. Short responses for each questions.  AHIMA Competency/Learning Outcome: lll.2–Utilize technologies for health information management (3) Certain members of the executive management team at ABC Hospital are interested in adding voice recognition software to their current EHR. As director of HIM