COM 3404- Short Answer Questions #4

Read CH. 4 & 5

 Two chapters: Environment & physical surroundings | Space and territoriality

Your short answer is based on this module’s readings and videos and has 6 questions. 

Guidelines to answer each question: Each question should be answered in 1-2 paragraphs of at least 5-7 sentences each paragraph. Incorporate corresponding terminology (review chapter).Review grammar and mechanics. Read articles before completing 

  1. How people influence and are influenced by their environments? Explain in detail.
  2. What are the reactions of people to overpopulated environments?
  3. There are six perceptual bases for examining environments: (1) formal–informal, (2) warm–cold, (3) private–public, (4) familiar–unfamiliar, (5) constraining–free, and (6) distant–close. Pick two (2) and explain in detail.
  4. The impact of environmental features on human behavior will vary as a function of context, but what features do you think play a large or small role across different contexts? Explain your choices.
  5. What is the difference between crowding and density?
  6. Altman (1975) identified three types of territories: (1) primary, (2) secondary, and (3) public. Explain each of them.
  7. Define and explain territoriality.
  8. Lyman and Scott (1967) identified three types of territorial encroachments: (1) violation, (2) invasion, (3) contamination. Pick one and explain.
  9. Hall identified four types of space. List and explain each
  • Many studies have looked at gender differences in interpersonal space.
  • What factors are likely to cause a person who comes to the United States from another culture, with different norms for conversational space, to maintain the norms from their culture of origin? What factors are likely to cause an immigrant to manifest conversational space that is more typical of the United States?
  • Based on this module’s videos, how color and smell influence interactions?


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