Applied Sciences WK 2 ASSIGNMENT

  Describe the Mission and Achievements of a Public Health Advocacy Group 

Let’s take a closer look at Public Health Advocacy groups. Please choose one group from the list below. Your presentation should include a short history of the group/organization, its mission, and any recent achievements and accomplishments. Your presentation should be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation with and must contain a minimum of at least one scholarly reference. Please include all references on your last slide.  

  2. APHA 
  3. California Center for Public Health Advocacy 
  4. Amnesty International 
  5. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 
  6. PICO 
  7. Sierra Club 
  8. Greenpeace 
  9. AARP 
  10. Black Panthers 
  11. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 
  12. TRUTH campaign 
  13. GLMA, BMA, or HMA 


  • Length: This assignment must be 1-2 pages      (excluding the title and reference pages). 
  • References: Include at least      one scholarly resource. 

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