Applied Sciences WK3 ASSIGNMENT
Assignment 3: Cultivate Negotiation and Mediation Strategies
Instructions TOPIC
Create and apply a negotiation and mediation strategy to persuade the political opposition to a position on proposed public health or healthcare legislation aimed at addressing a current organizational or community challenge.
- Identify proposed public health or health care legislation aimed at addressing a current organizational or community challenge.
- Partner with another student and decide who’ll write the “pro” position and who’ll write the “con” position.
- Post your position.
- Take turns responding to your partner’s position for at least three rounds following the guidance of the moderator.
In groups of two, you will be responsible for one debate relating to an issue assigned. One student takes the ‘pro’ position and the other takes the ‘con’ position. The goal of the presentation will be to convince your peers of the validity of your point of view. The presentation should be clear, concise, and logical.
You must employ current data and citations from experts to support your view. Current events should be incorporated into the discussion.
The debate group will establish the debate question based on the topic of the assigned date and present it to the class at the beginning of the debate.
In the Threaded discussion, the class will vote for the most convincing argument. The grade for this assignment will be primarily a “group grade.”
Therefore, it is important that you collaborate fully with your group.
- Brief overview presentation of the issue or question
- Presentation of debate question to the class
- Each side presents their argument
- Rebuttal (pro and con) response to oppositions argument
- Class discussion in threaded discussion
Your initial post should be roughly 500 words in length, and your responses to peers should be roughly 200 words each. Cite sources you reference in-text and under a “References” section in APA format.
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