Biology Week 3 Assignment: Literature Review Research Matrix 7860


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Literature Review Research Matrix

Please note that the first row of data is meant as an example. Please read the example article (Mok et al., 2022) as a guide for how to dissect each of the four articles assigned. The links to the four assigned articles are found in the Announcements area of our courseroom. These articles change each quarter. Please do not use any other articles. Use only the four articles linked in the courseroom Announcements.

Keep in Mind:

1). This is not merely an assignment for you to find information in an article and copy and paste information into the columns in the below matrix. Read and analyze the authors’ work in each article and evaluate it based on the assigned readings for this course and then offer your evaluation of what you read. You are to offer content in the matrix to reflect that you are an informed consumer of research.

2). There is much variation in published primary research articles and reports. Not all authors will include all the same information, verbatim or at all, based on the headings in the columns below. If that is the case, you will need to offer your own analysis of what the information should be in a logical manner aligned to the other information in the source that is provided. There should be no blank cells in the matrix below.

3). Communicate your input in a manner that is completely scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting, with few or no errors and include a formal APA style reference list. The reference from the example article has been completed for you to use as a model.

Parenthetical Citation

Identify the main concepts; often the “keywords” are helpful for identifying main concepts

Provide the research question(s) and/or hypotheses (word-for-word) and state if the questions/

hypotheses were properly aligned to the research method and design

Conceptual or Theoretical Framework (if not provided, offer your analysis of what framework was applied or what would be a logical one to have applied)

Population description, Sample description, “N=” (number of actual participants)

Research method (approach) & design applied (do not included data collection and data analysis information)

Summary of Findings (in your own words)

(Mok et al., 2022)

Ageing, Workforce, Human resource management, Career development, Narrative thematic analysis

RQ1. How do HR professionals’ personal, social and organisational experiences influence their approach to career development of older workers? RQ2. How do HR professionals’ personal experiences of career development contribute to their organisation’s career development practices for older workers?

Career development theory

***Please note that Ricoeur’s theory of interpretation is not a theoretical framework. It is a theory that supports a method for the thematic-narrative data analysis.

N = 14 participants; 4 men and 10 women; HR professionals with 3-35 years of experience from three large Australian organizations


Narrative study with hermeneutic phenomeno-logical research design

Three themes emerged from the participants including HR professionals being the “protagonist of their own career development stories”, being the enforcer of career development practices and being an agent for change in their organizations. HR professionals who worked to develop their own careers were more likely to notice older workers who were overlooked for career development. HR professionals who were older workers themselves often were better able to advocate for others and themselves if they’d engaged in career development later in their own careers. As organizations became more digitized, HR leaders could help ease that knowledge growth path for older employees who were in danger of losing their jobs to digital platforms that could do the work instead. The presence of the “enabling enforcer mindset”, a more varied set of HR-connected career options were made available for older workers to grow into.


Mok, I., Mackenzie, L., & Thomson, K. (2023). The experiences of human resource professionals in managing career development of an ageing workforce: A narrative thematic analysis.
 Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 18(1), 67-83.




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