Time Management Presentation

Time Management Presentation

Time Management Presentation

Good evening to you all. Thank you for taking the time to be here today. I hope that you will find the sacrifices you made to be here worthwhile at the end of this. As such, I am honoured to take you through a time management topic where we will discuss the different issues connected to this subject.

Naturally, no matter where we come from or who we are, some things make us one, things that make us realize that we are not any different. These things are attainable to all of us in the world for free. Time tends to be one of those things because we all use and have access to it. However, the difference is evident in how we use it. A person in the United States and one in China can access it twenty-four hours daily. People in these countries may be in different time zones, but they have twenty-four hours at the end of the day.

Why Time Management?

People are always saying that time is not enough. What does this mean to you? It means that people have too much to do within a given time frame, and when they can’t meet the deadline, the only explanation is that time is insufficient. In other words, besides time being obtainable to all of us, it is barely enough because there are many things for us to handle in a day, and finishing them all may be challenging. Nevertheless, we should realize that time can be enough for everybody, but the difference comes in how we manage it.

So, why do we have to manage our time? A crucial reason for managing time is to allow for the feeling of balance. This means that you should maintain a work-life balance. Maintaining a balance between work and personal life tends to be very important because it ensures that one area of your life is not left behind. For example, with enough time, you can work, socialize with your friends and family, and have fun. In modern life, some people struggle to work nine-to-five jobs, get home to their kids, and ensure they have fun on the weekends. Typically, life has become very demanding, and we must move with the flow, which means managing time well to cater to all energy needs. When you manage time well, you have more time to relax and become less stressed, improving your well-being. Indeed, work is vital for survival because it pays for most people’s necessities. However, it is important to remember that your personal needs are also essential. As such, managing time means working effectively and catering to our individual needs while affording the free time to pursue things that make us happy. Additionally, controlling time improves your productivity and can help you become wealthy.


Let us see some methods you can use to manage your time. Some of these methods you can utilize are keeping a To-Do list and a To-Don’t’ list. Both of these tend to complement each other. An ATo-Doist is a list indicating the tasks you are supposed to complete to arrange these priority orders. Typically, you will initially attend to the most urgent and vital functions while the rest follow.

On the other hand, a To-Don’t-do list tends to indicate the functions you are not supposed To-Don’t-should: delete such responsibilities, outsource them, delegate them, or refuse to handle them even if they come around. The two lists will help you stay focused and stay in the line of work, which can help you stay focused.

Another method that you can utilize is keeping track of time. Simple things such as checking the mail tend to suck away a lot of our time, and through time tracking, either digitally on manually, it will be easy for us to track our daily activities. After following up for some days, you can quickly notice when spending time on inappropriate activities. As such, you will find yourself merely spending time on appropriate things. Also, working from a calendar can help you when managing time. What happens is that the calendar shows something that you are supposed to be doing at specific times and days.

Moreover, the Pomodoro Technique has proven to work efficiently when trying to manage time. This technique stimulates you to work with your time instead of against the time. In this technique, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks divided by breaks of five minutes, and Pomodoro is the name given to these intervals. Giesbrecht (2015) found that the leaves provide the brain with short offline work periods, allowing new rational perceptions. What the Pomodoro method does is keep you from procrastinating. Agile/Kanban is another method that can help you manage your time, enabling you to visualize and limit all the work you may have in progress.


As we have seen, there are various techniques that you can utilize to manage your time. This section will show multiple things you should consider when ordering. We will see different items that varying cultures utilize time for. As such, your culture can determine how you use your time. Pant (2016) found that some cultures may see time as cyclical and endless, while others see it as a limited supply. For example, if you come from the Western culture, you will likely see time as minor so that you will structure your life according to deadlines and milestones. When you fail to meet the deadline, you are said to have a poor work ethic. Southern Europeans feel happier and more satisfied when doing more things simultaneously (Lewis, 2014). Another consideration that we may have in time management is what happens when we are working with other people who do not manage time. For example, what do you do when working with coworkers who do not manage time well? My advice is to concentrate on coworkers what you want. Your eyes should be focused on what you are working towards and why you want to manage your time. You can stay on track in managing time by concentrating on the freedom you get when you do it.

To sum it all up, managing time effectively should be something that all of us aim to do. This is because it will better our lives in different ways. For example, you can balance your work and personal life through an effective balance of your work so that you can become less stressed and achieve more in life. You can use strategies such as To-do lists, To-don’t’ lists, tracking time, working from a calendar, and the PomodoroTo-don’t/Kanban techniques to manage your time.


Giesbrecht, B. A. (2015). Pomodoro Technique for time management.

Lewis, R. (2014, June 2). How different cultures understand time. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-different-cultures-understand-time-2014-5?r=US&IR=T

Pant, B. (2016). Different cultures see deadlines differently. Harvard Business Review23.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Time Management Presentation

Time Management PresentatiWe In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Apply cross-cultural communication strategies for global audiences in real-world contexts


 You work for CON-voke, an organization that helps develop and run conventions and conferences on various topics. Your coworker, Nathan, has developed a presentation about time management delivered at the annual CON-voke company meeting. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, he cannot attend and present.

It would be best to make this presentation to a multicultural audience using his script and materials.


The presentation will be brief, approximately 10 minutes. Nathan has already created a proposed outline, found some resources on time management, and written a partial script. However, you can see that his hand is not the best for a multicultural audience. You will need to go through the presentation and make it ready.

Part 1: Annotated Presentation Script: Review the outline, resources, and script. Use the outline and resources as a starting point, but you may make changes and additions as necessary. Your ?nal presentation should describe the relevant topic and provide a good overview for an unfamiliar audience.

Once you have reviewed the resources, identify passages in the script that must be modi?ed to be more accessible to a global audience. You need to ?nish writing the script and make necessary changes to the language and content. Then, include an addendum for Nathan that explains why you made the changes.

The script should be approximately 1,000–1,500 words. As you complete the hand, ensure the presentation is written for a multicultural audience. Take into consideration ways to structure the display to be effective for a variety of cultures and audiences.

Use structure, language, and examples that are culturally aware. Use neutral language, and avoid metaphors and models that may not have broad relevance across cultures.

Make sure you consider ways that language choices may impact the perception of the content.

After writing the script, please write a brief addendum to Nathan outlining your changes and why they address challenges in presenting to a global audience.

Consider answering these questions:

What language choices make communicating to a multicultural audience di?cult?

What are some of the potential topics you should avoid when presenting to a global audience?

How do you determine how best to approach a multicultural audience?

What are some audience reactions you should consider as you write the script?

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