Service Activity

Service Activity

Service Activity

After a busy day, I decided to pass by the store and pick up some groceries. At the store, I found a good parking space, parked, and went into the store. After picking up the groceries, I hurried back to my car to beat the rush hour traffic. Two of the parking spaces next to my car had already been occupied, with one driver choosing to park close to my car. I strained to pull out, trying several reversing options. Unfortunately, I ended up scratching the adjacent car, but nobody noticed the incident. I evaluated the situation and decided to leave as reporting it would create real hassles, delaying me, not to mention the possible high insurance rates.


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Service Activity 

If you are planning to do a Service Activity Analysis for the final assignment, you will need to complete a 50-100 word outline. Your final Service Activity Analysis (due Module 8) will be assessed for depth, breadth, and judgment, and you will be responsible for answering the questions in the case as they pertain to your service activity. You may proceed with the service activity option only if you have received prior approval by the instructor, who may ask for further clarification.

Service Activity

Service Activity

For ideas as to how to present and format a scenario highlighting your service activity experience, please follow the examples provided by the cases in Ruggiero’s Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues. The case you construct based on your service activity should be similar in format to the many examples you can find in that source.

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