Persuasive Health Campaign

Persuasive Health Campaign

Persuasive Health Campaign

The Advert

Over 24,000 Americans from poor underserved regions die every year due to lack of access to quality care.

You can make a change by donating 10 dollars towards the MOBILE SCREENING BUS project that will ensure people in rural and underserved regions access health.




The above advert appeals to Americans to donate towards the Mobile Screening Bus project. It begins by alerting the audience to the situation on the ground by giving statistics on the number of people who die due to a lack of quality health. Below that statement is an image of a sick child in a sorry state in need of medication. From the image, one can tell that she is not in a hospital. Then, below the image, there is an appealing message aimed at convincing the audience to donate money to this initiative to help save the lives of rural people who cannot access health services. Within this persuasive health campaign, three strategies are used to appeal to the audience.

The first strategy is the use of fear appeal. The fear appeal is a strategy used in communication. According to Perloff (2017), the fear appeal is a persuasive message that shows the potential dangers of something or the dangers of not taking a certain action. This appeal is used in the first line of the persuasive campaign. Fear is induced in the audience of this campaign poster when they see the number of people who die because of a lack of access to quality healthcare. The fear becomes an underlying catalyst for concern. Then, the image of the sick child in a needy situation acts as a guilty appeal. This appeals to the audience, especially those who can access quality health, to do something to change the situation.

The last strategy is using the Door-In-The-Face (DITF) approach to convince the audience to donate. This is an approach used to ask for donations where one begins by asking the donors to give a large sum of money and then changing strategy and asking for little (Perloff, 2017). The opposite is the Foot-In-The-Door (FITD), where one asks for small donations and little donations afterwards. The DITF approach was chosen because of its ability to help the campaign achieve its goals much faster. By asking the well-wishers to donate the amount in the advert, it is expected that the figure is enough to help the project proceed before returning to ask for a slightly lower amount (Perloff, 2017). These strategies are used excellently to make the appeal more effective.


Perloff, R. M. (2017). The dynamics of persuasion: Communication and attitudes in the 21st century.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Discussion: Persuasive Health Campaign Message
In our busy world of constant communication, where we are bombarded by information and messages and needs, how do you cut through that noise to get people’s attention? How do you influence people to watch and listen to what you have to say, even if the topic is not one they have thought about before? How do you persuade them to take the action you request? That is your challenge and goal for this Discussion.

Persuasive Health Campaign

Persuasive Health Campaign

The issue is healthcare in rural areas of the United States. Your first task will be to educate yourself on the needs of people in these areas. If you live in an urban area, you may not be aware of the degree to which place informs resources available and access to those resources. Being poor and underserved in a rural area increases the needs of these residents. Consider this finding from the 2010 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports: “Despite improvements, differences persist in health care quality among racial and ethnic minority groups. People in low-income families also experience poorer quality care.” (AHRQ, 2014, para.1)

Put on your advocacy hat, and remember the Walden University outcome to facilitate positive social change. The media message that you develop could impact services in a rural county where you live or in your state, now or in the future.

For this Discussion, you will respond to the following scenario:

Imagine that you are an employee in the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) of your county. Your department is launching a campaign to increase quality services to the underserved in your community. You are tasked with developing a media message that HHSA will disseminate to the public, with the goal of persuading people to donate money for a mobile screening bus that can travel to rural areas of the county and reach underserved individuals and families.

To prepare:

Review Chapters 15 and 16 in the textbook and all of the required readings in the Learning Resources. Consider the strategies and techniques you learned this term. Be prepared to use at least one strategy/technique from the Week 6 Resources and at least two strategies/techniques from the course material from earlier in the term for a total of three strategies and/or techniques in your initial post.
Consider the wording of the media message to include in your Discussion.
Review this website from Week 2: Synder, W. S. (2011). Principles and practices for advertising ethics. Institute for Advertising Ethics. Retrieved from
Review the codes of ethics for various professional organizations from the Week 1 Learning Resources. Consider the ethics of your message. Think about how it adheres to the standards for human services professionals and/or to ethical principles for advertising and/or other standards/principles of ethics that are relevant to the work you are doing or want to do.
By Day 3
Post responses to the following:

Present the text of your media message.
Consider the influence techniques and strategies you learned all term as well as those in the Week 6 Required Readings. Explain how you used a minimum of 3 strategies, techniques and/or principles (at least one from Week 6 Required Readings) to develop your message. Evaluate your reasoning for choosing these techniques.
Justify how your media message is ethical by referencing specific codes of ethics and other resources.
Note: Be sure to support the responses within your initial Discussion post (and in your colleague reply) with information obtained from the assigned Learning Resources, including in-text citations and a reference list for sources used. For information regarding how your Discussion will be evaluated, please review the Rubric, located in the Course Information area of the course.


Perloff, R. M. (2021). The dynamics of persuasion: Communication and attitudes in the 21st century (7th ed.). Routledge.

Chapter 15, “Advertising, Marketing, and Persuasion”
Chapter 16, “Health Communication Campaigns”
These chapters, of your text, cover the focus for the week. Complete the reading to prepare for your Discussion posts.

-Synder, W. S. (2011). Principles and practices for advertising ethics. Institute for Advertising Ethics. Retrieved from

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