Motivation Essay

Motivation Essay

Motivation Essay

Motivation is one of the most vital elements necessitated in learning. All people require motivation, be it at work, working on a project or any other undertaking. It is easy to know when students are motivated or demotivated, particularly through how they conduct themselves in class and school and how much effort they put into academic achievement. Various strategies can motivate learners to gain knowledge and attain academic performance. Some of them could be motivating in-class participation, while others typically inspire learners to study alone. Either way, motivation is crucial to give to all learners. This essay explores different motivation aspects.

Student Motivation and Performance Enhancement

Motivation impacts effort, determination and energy positively. It enables the learners to have more enthusiasm regarding the school activities. Accordingly, students put a lot of effort and energy into learning and are determined to work on school assignments. They attain their educational goals, thus improving performance. When students are motivated, they learn voluntarily without being forced by a teacher. If, for instance, learners are intrinsically motivated, they devote themselves to the learning process. Besides, motivation positively impacts the learners’ values and conduct, thus having high discipline levels in school. Students focus more on school work without engaging in bad conduct, improving performance. One of the motivation theories is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, which defines motivation as the outcome of an individual trying to satisfy five basic necessities: self-actualization, esteem, social, safety and physiological (Fallatah & Syed, 2018). Typically, it has the facility to create internal pressures that could impact an individual’s conduct. Even more crucial is the point that motivation impacts how learners pay attention to precise information, thus understanding better contrary to depending on rote memory. Major motivation components comprise intensity, activation and persistence.

Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivations

Intrinsic motivation is internal, while extrinsic motivation is external. This means that in intrinsic motivation, people do things because they are personally rewarding, while in extrinsic motivation, people do things because they will be given external rewards. Examples of extrinsic rewards include students studying since they want to attain a good grade and assisting others with the hope of being praised. Examples of intrinsic motivation include students studying since they are curious regarding a given topic and working in teams because they love collaboration.

Motivation Factors

One of the factors impacting motivation is the environmental aspect. Environmental conditions at home and school could determine how motivated or demotivated students become. For instance, a hostile school or home environment demotivates students from learning. Another aspect impacting motivation is self-actualization. According to Acquah et al. (2021), self-actualization is the determination of people to become what they are capable of. Typically, self-actualization depicts the highest motivation orders, leading people to realize their potential and attain their ideal selves. Another aspect is the teacher’s personality and behaviour. For instance, if learners are terrified of a teacher, their motivation toward learning is low. Other factors comprise abilities and interests, as well as views and impressions.

Motivation Strategies

Enhancing a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset in class plays a significant role in motivating students. In a fixed mindset, the assertion is that people are born with or without given capacities. On the other hand, growth mindset, the conviction is that talents and abilities can be cultivated or enhanced through hard work. Additionally, establishing high anticipations and clear goals can help increase the learner’s motivation. Essentially, students are aware of the direction they are headed, and they are inspired to get there since it appears possible. Additionally, rewards motivate learners to work hard. Introducing rewards in the learning setting promotes positive emotions and a high student disposition to participate (Reeve, 2013).

Teacher Effectiveness

When the teacher is effective, the student is highly likely motivated and vice versa. For instance, when a teacher uses appropriate teaching methods, the students will get what is being taught and become more interested in learning. Effective teachers will select the right assignment types, deal with different learners appropriately, pay attention when needed, and deal with misconduct well. These aspects are motivating to the learners. Moreover, effective teachers have the aptitude to develop learners’ competence, subject interest and self-efficacy perception. For example, an effective teacher will help improve the learners’ self-esteem, thus enhancing their learning motivation.


In conclusion, motivation enables the learners to have more enthusiasm regarding the school activities. Once students are motivated, they learn voluntarily without being forced by a teacher. Intrinsic motivation is internal, while extrinsic motivation is external. Factors affecting motivation comprise environmental aspects, self-actualization, teacher personality and behaviour. Once the teacher is effective, the student is likely to be motivated, and vice versa is true.


Acquah, A., Nsiah, T. K., Antie, E. N. A., & Otoo, B. (2021). Literature Review on Theories of Motivation. EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review9(5), 25-29.

Fallatah, R. H. M., & Syed, J. (2018). A critical review of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Employee Motivation in Saudi Arabia, 19-59.

Reeve, J. (2013). Extrinsic rewards and inner motivation. In Handbook of classroom management. Routledge.


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Engagement and motivation are integral components of student success. Educators draw from motivational principles, theories, and research to explain the effect these have on student engagement, motivation, and learning in the classroom.

Motivation Essay

Motivation Essay

In 500-750 words, write an essay addressing the following:

Outline how student motivation can enhance performance with specific examples of theories and principles that promote motivation.
Specify how intrinsic and extrinsic motivations differ, including one specific example of each.
Define factors that affect motivation (such as contextual factors, and self-efficacy), including at least two specific examples.
Describe three research-based, developmentally appropriate instructional strategies that can be used to help motivate students and increase engagement in the classroom.
Explain how teacher effectiveness affects student motivation. Specific classroom-related examples are required.
Support the essay with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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