Leaders Creating Trust

Leaders Creating Trust

Leaders Creating Trust

Leaders require trust from the team members to carry out their roles efficiently. This process should begin through positive relationships within the team. Such relationships can be nurtured by assisting employees by enabling cooperation, conflict resolution, providing honest feedback, and paying attention to their concerns. These behaviors show the human side of leaders and enable employees to relate with them reasonably without extreme fear and expectations. Also, leaders should provide expertise and sound judgment. It is easy for employees to trust a leader who has the knowledge and skills concerning their discipline. They are aware that they can rely on the leader for advice and decisions regarding the same (Zenger & Folkman, 2019). Finally, leaders should keep their word. Such consistency makes leaders reliable and trustworthy.

As a leader, one can delegate roles to subordinate staff. This allows leaders to extend trust to employees to gain the same. Extending calculated trust requires accountability and clear expectations on the other party’s end. According to Stephen Covey, only 28 percent of employees can confirm that their CEOs provide reliable information (Covey, 2019). This reflects CEOs’ lack of expertise, experience, and knowledge about a certain discipline. Thus, they should work on personal improvement in the discipline to ensure employees can look to them for advice and sound decisions.


Covey, S. M. (2019). How the Best Leaders Build Trust.

Zenger, J., & Folkman, J. (2019, June). How Leaders Build Trust. Harvard Business Review.


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Leaders Creating Trust

This week our focus is on leader-follower relationships. For this week’s discussion, consider the practices, policies, and norms that you would expect to find in an organization that prides itself on building a culture of respect and trust.

Leaders Creating Trust

Leaders Creating Trust

Reflect on the following statement, “The most important question we ask of potential leaders is, ‘Can we trust you not to abuse the privilege of authority?’ (Hogan & Kaiser, 2005).” Leaders who engender trust provide a strong ethical foundation from which followers will emulate. Prepare a minimum 200-word response that illustrates how to engender trust and build a culture of respect in a diverse organization. What are the most effective ways to use power but still engender trust? What advice would you give to a company CEO about building a culture of respect and trust? Although not required, consider including a picture or other interesting media building a culture of respect and trust.

After you have made your initial post by Wednesday, 11:59PM EST, you will make 2 substantive replies by Saturday, 11:59PM EST.

Hogan & Kasier, (2005) What We Know About Leadership, Review of General Psychology, 9(2). Special issue: Positive Psychology, 169-180.

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