Intelligence theory

Intelligence theory

Intelligence theory

I believe that Howard Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligence has the best explanation for intelligence. It is because Gardner explained intelligence in more than one element and gave room for new intelligence concepts as research about intelligence continues. Gardener classifies intelligence in eight ways: musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, spatial, logical-mathematics, intrapersonal, naturalist, and linguistic intelligence.

Musical intelligence is the ability to acquire the skill of producing, presenting, and acknowledging music. It involves learning to play musical instruments, sing, understand music theory, and recognize music patterns, while bodily-kinesthetic intelligence involves the ability to accurately control the body and body movements. People with this ability do well in crafts, sports, and artwork. On the other hand, interpersonal intelligence is compared to social interactions. It explains the ability to interact with people quickly and make friendships, communicate fluently with others, and control emotions during interaction with other people. Emotional control includes understanding other people’s reactions and expressing and utilizing emotions during communication (Chen et al., 2022). Consistently, spatial intelligence is defined as the ability to appreciate the environment and space and use the available space within the environment that we are in. It applies primarily during dancing, sports activities, and crafts.

Subsequently, logical-mathematical intelligence mainly represents the language domain. It involves acquiring knowledge ability to read and write in all languages, including the mother language, while intrapersonal intelligence deals with personal elements. It involves being able to accept, realize, and condition one own emotions. Naturalist intelligence on the other hand is the ability to acknowledge nature. It involves realizing and planting various plants, taking care of animals, and the desire to be outside relaxing. Lastly, linguistic intelligence represents the aspect of language. It involves learning many languages, the first language, writing, learning new words, and reading independently.


Chen, J. Q., & Gardner, H. (2022). Howard duced the theory of multiple intelligences—Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, Tests, and Issues, 164.


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This is a graded discussion: 15 points possible
Chapter 7 Discussion Post A
due Jul 2
3 3
This chapter presented theories regarding the nature of Intelligence. Two of these were Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory and
Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory.

Intelligence theory

Intelligence theory

Discussion Question: Which of these two theories (only select one) do you believe best explains the concept of Intelligence? Why? Make sure that you include data from the textbook for your chosen theory (and cite it appropriately) to support your answer. Then, after posting, make sure that you respond to at least 2 other classmates. Please
remember to be respectful and polite when responding to others’ posts.
Note: Do not post your response until you have read and studied these theories in your text and the Lecture Notes. If you have not yet done so, make sure that you view the videos on Robert Sternberg’s and Howard Gardner’s Theories. The videos are posted below.
Sternberg’s Theory:
Pintelligence triarchic t…
Analytical Ability
Creative Intelligence
Practical Intelligence
psy1113. (2011, February 9). Intelligence
triarchic theory of intelligence [Video].
Gardner’s Theory
Frames of Mind – Theo… :
Multiple Intell
Faculti. (2015, August 27). Frames of mind-
theory of multiple intelligences-Howard Gardner [Video] YouTube.

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