Giftedness and Talent

Giftedness and Talent

Giftedness and Talent

The article Motivation and Gifted Students: Implications of Theory and Research by Clinkenbeard analyzes the effects of motivation on performance in gifted and talented learners. The author asserts that giftedness and talent in children can be noticed at a tender age. As these children proceed to school, they showcase exceptional abilities in one or more subjects, while those talented display practical skills in sports, music, design, or creative arts (Clinkenbeard 622).

Motivation plays a crucial role in enhancing achievement in gifted and talented learners. The article analyzes how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in intellectual and creative promising learners have a role in their general success. Contemporary motivation theorists agree that motivation lays the foundation for achievement (Clinkenbeard 622). As such, the school and home environment should inculcate beliefs and values by noticing talents and abilities and encouraging these children to partake in challenging tasks, helping nurture these talents. According to the article, gifted and talented learners who have intrinsic motivation through encouragement score better grades than others. Notably, they are more capable of developing composite sets of traits potentially valuable in human performance. As such, self-determination leads to gifted and talented learners becoming more independent in the early stages of life.

I believe giftedness and talent in learners should be identified and nurtured at an early age. However, students who lack intrinsic and extrinsic motivation tend to underachieve. On the contrary, through inculcating self-efficacy, gifted and talented learners become more independent than the rest. They should be provided with more advanced and difficult tasks to help keep them engaged and as a way to keep them motivated. However, it is important to acknowledge that most gifted and talented learners often languish due to the failure of teachers and parents to provide them with challenging experiences that would help nurture these talents (Clinkenbeard 630). Therefore, collaboration between the school, teachers, and parents is necessary to maintain their giftedness and talents.

Works Cited

Clinkenbeard, Pamela R. “Motivation and Gifted Students: Implications of Theory and Research.” Psychology in the Schools, vol. 49, no. 7, 2012, pp. 622–630,


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Giftedness and Talent

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