Effective Parenting

Effective Parenting

Effective Parenting

All parents, guardians, or caregivers have their approach to child-rearing. Diane Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist, identified four parenting styles. Authoritative, disciplinarian, neglectful and indulgent parenting (Laila & Betaubun, 2021). My parents’ approach to child-rearing was permissive parenting. In this style of parenting, the parents are loving and provide for the needs and wants of the child, and a good relationship exists between them. However, the parent has low expectations of the child, the child has poor self-restraint, and in adulthood, the child is self-centred and cannot maintain personal relationships. Factors that may have influenced their approach to parenting are their experiences being brought up and their socio-economic status.

I would not use the same parenting style. My approach to child-rearing would be an authoritative parenting style. In this approach, the parent has a good relationship with the child, they have clearly set out rules, and there is free communication between the parent and the child (Kuppens, Sofie, & Ceulemans, 2019). Children brought up with this parenting style grow up to be sound adults.

The concept of using authoritative child-rearing to understand effective parenting across cultures is useful because authoritative child-rearing is the only parenting style in which children grow up to be well-functioning members of society (Sahithya et al., 2019). Disciplinarian, neglectful, and indulgent parenting styles cause children to grow up with mental and behavioural problems. They, therefore, cannot be used as a standard for assessing effective parenting across cultures.

The most important advice that I would give to a first-time parent is to love their child unconditionally. A specific strategy they can employ is using the authoritative parenting style and also trying to use the positive aspects of the remaining parenting styles.


Kuppens, Sofie, and Eva Ceulemans. “Parenting styles: A closer look at a well-known concept.” Journal of child and family studies 28.1 (2019): 168-181. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-018-1242-x

laila Rokhmah, D. E., & Betaubun, M. (2021). Parenting Styles and Their Impact on Children’s Behavior in Dahl’s Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 4(2), 211-216. https://doi.org/10.34050/elsjish.v4i2.13634

Sahithya, B. R., Manohari, S. M., & Vijaya, R. (2019). Parenting styles and its impact on children–a cross-cultural review with a focus on India. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 22(4), 357-383. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2019.1594178


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Unit 7 Discussion
Topic: Attachment, Self-Understanding, Emotions, and the Parental Influence on this Development

In this unit, you will learn about emotional and social development in infancy/toddlerhood and early childhood. The focus of this Discussion is on attachment, self-understanding, and emotional development and the role that parents play in this development.

Effective Parenting

Effective Parenting

Please respond to the following:

Imagine that you are part of a large research study on attachment. You have been asked to conduct home visits for infants and toddlers who may be at risk for insecure attachment.

What infant behaviours would you look for to distinguish between secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-resistant, and insecure disorganized/disoriented attachment?
What caregiving behaviours might signal a threat to attachment security?
What type of early parenting fosters the development of secure attachment?
Children in early childhood (ages 2–6 years) begin to develop a self-concept — awareness of the set of attributes, abilities, attitudes, and values that an individual believes defines who he or she is. Self-esteem — judgments about one’s own worth — also emerges in early childhood, and children gain in emotional understanding, emotional self-regulation, and the capacity to experience self-conscious emotions empathy and sympathy. During this period, parents are a big influence on their child’s development.

Briefly describe ways that parenting contributes to a) self-concept, b) self-esteem, c) emotional understanding, d) emotional self-regulation, e) self-conscious emotions, and f) empathy and sympathy for children in early childhood (ages 2–6 years).
TEXTBOOK: Berk, Laura E. Infants, Children, and Adolescents. Available from: Purdue University Global Bookshelf, (9th Edition). Pearson Education (US), 2020

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