Consulting Proposal

Consulting Proposal

Consulting Proposal

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my interest in providing consulting services for your coaching program. Our organization has a history of assisting organizations in planning and implementing business strategies that meet organizational needs. Our team of experts ensures that the strategies implemented in achieving organizational growth align with your organization’s structure and culture. We are also familiar with the most effective coaching approaches to facilitate the faster acquisition of the knowledge and expertise needed to improve organizational efficiency.

Our team of dedicated consultants is ready to work with your Company to create a friendly budget for our services. We will also plan our deliverables based on your timeline to avoid delays in implementing your training program. The team will also use their professional expertise to help your organization deal with any challenges in building your brand and the most effective ways to deal with the obstacles encountered in creating brand awareness.

We look forward to working with you and helping you develop a workforce with the required expertise to boost your organizational performance and effectiveness. We are ready to meet and discuss the terms of our partnership and plan the way forward. Thank you so much for your attention and consideration.

Best regards,

John Doe


Consulting services need to be designed based on the organization’s area of operation. In the current case, the Client’s’ Company is a coaching company that intends to offer training through a three-level certification program for healthcare leaders and professionals to start incorporating a Coaching Approach into the work setting within the shortest time possible. The Company’s’ training program aims to create positive reactions supporting enhanced performance, career growth, and better relationships with colleagues, patients, and clients. The Company requires our consulting services to develop effective coaching programs that support healthcare practitioners through short courses. The Company wants to venture into coaching in occupational therapy and adult education to improve its delivery of services to the community. The most appropriate consulting package must include online and offline consulting services because the Company currently operates online and offline. However, the Company’s’ offline services are only available to people within Vancouver, Canada, and British Colombia.

Project Scope

The project’s scope will include establishing substantial brand equity by ensuring our Client’s’ Company gains recognition as the best caching Company. We will focus on enhancing the quality of existing coaching programs, including the Coach Approach, Home Office Consultation, Holistic Coaching, and Coaching for Return to Work service, because these are the main coaching programs implemented by the Client’s Company. The Coach Approach includes a certification program for leaders and healthcare professionals. The program facilitates positive reactions that support better performance, career growth, and relationships with colleagues, patients, and clients. The Holistic Coaching services target professionals and leaders looking for an accountability partner to move forward with professionally or personally. It includes tailored packages supporting clients, whether they are focusing on increasing joy at home or work, improving work/life balance, preventing burnout, or improving leadership skills. Therefore, our organization will support the Client to ensure that every training session ends with more clarity. We will also create an action plan that helps achieve the client organization’s goals or vision.

Home Office Consultations service is connected to the coach approach to helping employees working remotely troubleshoot their home office’s physical coaching environment and establish an action plan to create productive habits and prevent injuries that may arise from computer work. Our consultants will, therefore, help the Client determine various techniques that can be used to remotely offer coaching without affecting employee productivity and ability to grasp the content in coaching programs. Coaching for Return to Work service has been designed for residents in British Columbia who have sustained injury or illness and still need to function or return to work. The Client already has a team of consultants consisting of registered occupational therapists who have completed the Coach Approach certification program. Our consulting services will help the Client design a practical function or return-to-work success approach and the measures to sustain positive change within and outside the workplace. We will also focus on determining additional elements that can be added to existing coaching programs to attract more customers and promote organizational sustainability.

Our Team

Our diverse team includes people with different knowledge, skills, and expertise. One of the team members is an experienced reservations manager with a demonstrated history of working in consumer service. The member’s expertise in consumer service will help conduct a needs assessment to determine what the coaching programs should include and how they should be structured to benefit leaders and professionals. The second team member has three years of work experience in the construction industry. The team member will help design an appropriate action plan for the coaching programs and manage the relationship between our Company and the Client. The third team member is a teacher. The consulting process will rely on the teacher’s guidance on the duration of the coaching sessions, how to assess the success of the coaching programs, and adjustments that need to be made in the coaching process to accommodate everyone’s learning needs. The fourth team member will be an experienced product and business development director. The team member will guide the Client in establishing a strong positive relationship between the consultants in charge of implementing the coaching programs and the people attending the coaching sessions. Although every team member will be consulted on their area of expertise, decision-making will be done collectively to facilitate the exchange of ideas. Team members will also be required to monitor each other’s activities to ensure that they are aimed at benefiting our Client and helping the Client achieve both long-term and short-term goals.

Deliverables, Timeline, and Budget

Tasks Due Date Price
Setting the goals and objectives to be achieved by the end of our partnership 28th February $0.00
Social media audit 15th March 2022 $50.00
Completion of the rebranding strategy 18th March 2022 $3000.000
Design marketing strategy 25th March 2022 $100.00
Strategy implementation 5th April 2022 $5000.00
Designing follow-up options 28th February $50.00
Weekly follow-up sessions 9th September $100.00
Productivity evaluation 9th September $100.00
Time management evaluation 9th September $100.00
Communication evaluation 9th September $100.00

As indicated in the table above, the first deliverable will be setting the goals and objectives that will be met by the end of our partnership with the Client. The main objective will be creating a solid brand for our clients and maintaining customer loyalty. The second objective will be a social media audit to include the coaching services our Client intends to introduce in the new coaching division. The third deliverable will be completing the rebranding strategy to create a brand that includes coaching services. The fourth deliverable will be designing a marketing strategy. Our Client needs to focus on intense marketing to build a strong brand by creating awareness of the coaching division and its services. The marketing strategy will focus on the value proposition to attract a broader client base. The fifth deliverable will be implementing the strategy to build our Clients’ brand and create a good reputation for continued long-term growth. The sixth deliverable will be designing follow-up options to determine the Client’s progress toward achieving long-term and short-term goals. The primary follow-up options that will be considered will be weekly, bimonthly, and monthly follow-ups. Regular follow-ups will help eliminate challenges limiting the Client’s’ ability to meet anticipated goals and objectives.

The seventh deliverable will be conducting weekly follow-up sessions to determine whether the implemented strategy is practical and within the Client’s’ scope. The eighth deliverable is evaluating productivity. Productivity evaluation will help determine whether the Client’s’ organization is headed in the right direction. Therefore, the team will be better positioned to amend the action plan to create positive progress. The ninth deliverable is time management evaluation to ensure that the activities within the project scope are completed within the required timeline. The tenth deliverable is communication evaluation to ensure a proper flow of information between the Client and team members. Information will include the Client’s’ feedback on what our team has done and any recommendations to improve our partnership and make necessary adjustments to our proposed strategy.

The signature indicates acceptance of the proposal, and work will commence upon receipt.

On behalf of X Consulting Company On behalf of the Client, the Company
Date: Date:


We’ll write everything from scratch


Consulting Proposal

Consulting Proposal

Team Overview

1. An experienced Reservations Manager with a demonstrated history of working in consumer services
2. An individual with three years of work experience in the construction industry.
3. A teacher
4. An experienced product and business development director

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