Business Employment Decisions

Business Employment Decisions

Business Employment Decisions


When considered from a legal standpoint, the use of social media in the decision-making process for hiring or terminating employees has the potential to result in discrimination based on certain protected characteristics, including race, gender, national origin, religion, and disability. Employers who use social media to make personnel choices, such as hiring and dismissing, run the risk of unintentionally basing those decisions on an applicant’s color, gender, national origin, religion, or handicap, which may be interpreted as discriminatory behavior. For instance, a potential employer may scan an applicant’s social media profile and discover that the applicant is a member of a particular religion or ethnic group. Based on this information, the employer may then make a choice that is unfavorable to the applicant, such as not employing them or terminating them. This may give rise to allegations of discrimination in the future. In addition, when businesses use social media to make conclusions about applications and workers, they run the risk of infringing on an individual’s right to privacy. This could include any information that is placed on an individual’s social media profile, such as the individual’s political or religious beliefs or their relationships with other people.

The use of social media in the process of hiring or firing employees can lead to an unpleasant working atmosphere and a loss of trust between the employer and the employee, both of which are negative social outcomes. Employers who use social media to make judgments about hiring or terminating employees run the risk of being perceived as intrusive and lacking respect for the privacy of individuals. Employees may develop feelings of mistrust and hatred as a result of this, which may ultimately result in a hostile environment at the place of employment. Additionally, suppose an employer is found to be using social media to collect information on their employees. In that case, it might lead to emotions of paranoia and mistrust, which can affect morale and contribute to a loss in productivity. If an employer is found to be using social media to collect information on their employees, it could lead to feelings of paranoia and mistrust.

When viewing the world through the lens of the Bible, it is essential to keep in mind that every person is made in the image of God and, therefore, ought to be respected and treated with dignity. Employers should avoid making judgments that violate the right of individuals to have their privacy protected, as well as those that have the potential to result in discrimination or a hostile work environment. The Bible places a strong emphasis on the need to respect others and treat them with love and compassion; employing social media platforms to make personnel choices, such as hiring or firing, can be interpreted as a violation of these core values. In addition, we are instructed to uphold justice and to act in a manner that is both just and fair by the Bible. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that their procedures for hiring and terminating employees are fair and equitable, and they should avoid making choices that are influenced by bias or discrimination. As a result, companies should not be allowed to use social media when making decisions regarding hiring or terminating employees.

To summarize, companies should not be allowed to consider social media when making decisions regarding employee hiring or termination. The use of social media in the process of hiring or discharging employees can be problematic from a legal, social, and biblical point of view because it can result in discrimination, a hostile work environment, and a breach of an individual’s right to privacy. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that their policies regarding hiring and terminating employees are fair and just. Furthermore, employers should avoid making decisions that violate the right of an individual to privacy, as well as decisions that could result in discrimination or a hostile work environment.


McConnell, C. R. (2019). Business Law Today: The Essentials (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.

The Bible: King James Version. (2020). Zondervan.


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Post a thread of at least 600 words (content, not including references). Analysis must be supported with a minimum of 2 scholarly sources other than the course textbook and provided materials. Each source must be cited in the current APA format. Each thread and each reply must include both full citations in a reference list at the end of each post and short-form in-text citations.

Business Employment Decisions

Business Employment Decisions

Acceptable sources include books, legal and business journals, legal cases, the law (cases, statutes, regulations, etc.), the Bible, biblical commentary, etc. Dictionaries and other web sources that lack scholarly support are not acceptable. Any sources cited must be current to the issue (e.g., Bible commentaries may be applicable from any age, but articles discussing current legal practices may no longer be relevant after 2 or 5 years).

A well-developed, complete worldview analysis of the situation requires more than simply adding a Bible verse at the end of the post. Each thread and each reply must include at least 1 verse from Scripture, quoted and applied as an integral part of the discussion of the applicable issues in the context of a Biblical worldview.

For this discussion:

Review the material throughout Chapter 24 of our text on hiring, firing, and other employment decisions, including Biblical worldview perspectives; then, consider the question in the Point/Counterpoint on p. 616 (E-book p. 288): Should employers be permitted to use social media in hiring and/or firing decisions? Include legal, social, and Biblical perspectives in your analysis.

Title your thread “Yes” or “No” to indicate your conclusion.

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