ANA Standards

ANA Standards

ANA Standards

The standard of Professional Performance defines the level of competent behavior nursing professionals should have while in their practice areas. The selected Standard of Professional Performance is standard nine, which is communication. The standard requires registered nurses to communicate effectively while in their areas of practice (Harper & Maloney, 2017). While in their care environment, nurses should communicate effectively with other healthcare professionals, the patient, and the patient’s relatives. Effective communication should entail verbal and nonverbal cues to ensure that interaction with the patient and other medical personnel is professional.

Journal Article

The title of the journal article is “Enhancing communication to improve patient safety and to increase patient satisfaction” by Burgener Audrey. The article was published on 7 September 2020. The report was found in the PubMed search engine, where key terms related to effective communication in nursing practice were used. The report gives the importance of effective communication in health organizations (Burgener, 2020). According to Burgener (2020), adverse events in health organizations occur due to ineffective communication (Burgener, 2020). Enhancing communication in healthcare improves the safety of patients and their experiences. Improvement of patient care and satisfaction can be achieved through effective and efficient communication (Burgener, 2020). Programs such as education and training of nurses enhance effective communication, which improves the safety of patients and increases the satisfaction of patients.


The standard helps in understanding that effective communication is essential in nursing practice. In professional practice, a nurse is involved in activities such as leadership and collaboration, which require effective communication. Thus, effective communication is an essential part of the nursing profession. The standard of communication is relevant in nursing since it improves care quality and ensures patient safety and satisfaction (Baddley, 2018). Effective communication between nurses, other professionals, and the patient reduces medical errors and improves patient outcomes. Communication also allows the sharing of ideas and skills. I would incorporate the standard into my nursing practice through interdisciplinary collaboration. Interaction with other professionals caring for the patient requires effective communication. Attending education and training sessions or seminars on effective communication will also help improve my communication skills.


Baddley, D. (2018). Enhancing effective communication among non-verbal patients. Pediatric Nursing44(3), 144-146.

Burgener, A. M. (2020). We are enhancing communication to improve patient safety and to increase patient satisfaction. The health care manager39(3), 128-132. doi: 10.1097/HCM.0000000000000298

Harper, M., & Maloney, P. (2017). The updated nursing professional development scope and standards of practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing48(1), 5-7.


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Review the ANA Standards document. Focus on the Standards of Professional Performance.

ANA Standards

ANA Standards

Choose one of the 17 standards that capture your attention from the ANA Standard document/file.

Search for a relevant journal article that explains or discusses the importance of this standard to professional nursing.

Topics and prompts to include


  1. Announce the chosen Standard of Professional Performance using the number and name from the 17 ANA standard document.
  2. Briefly define the Standard.

Journal Article

  1. Provide the title, author, publication date, and where you found the article.
  2. Briefly summarize and explain how the article connects professional nursing to the chosen Standard.


    1. What does this Standard add to your understanding of the nursing profession?
    2. Why do you think the Standard is relevant to nursing today?
    3. Provide a concrete example of how you can (and will) incorporate this Standard into your nursing practice.

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