Aesop’s Fables

Aesop’s Fables

Aesop’s Fables

A fable is a fictional narrative, usually a short piece of literature like a short story, poem, or prose. OfteAesop tells a story using animated objects or animals. These animals and animatedAesop’ss are personified and have anthropomorphic abilities like reasoning ( Notably, using animated objects and animals makes fables interesting pieces of literature for all ages but are more appealing to children. The function of fables is to convey a specific moral lesson to the reader (Writing Explained). Fables also help the reader to understand the virtues, customs, and cultural values in which the fables are narrated.

Aesop’s most popular fables, known for their unique wisdom and timelessness, are those by Aesop. Aesop has many fables, but my favorite one from the assigned excerpt is ‘The Ass in the Lion’s Skin.’ In this fable, an ass is found and put on a lion’s skin and scares away all men and animals who approach his way (Puchner et al. 605). He was delighted. In his happiness, he forgot that he was supposed to roar like a lion and, instead, he brayed. After this, everyone knew who he was by his voice, including the Fox.

Consequently, the Ass’ owner cudgeled him for the fright he had caused. This fable aims to teach its readers that an outward appearance may hide a person’s true identity, but their words or what they say reveal their intelligence and who they truly are. Also, a key takeaway from the fable is that every action has its consequences. For instance, the Ass was cudgeled by the owner for the fright he had caused.

As already mentioned, fables display the cultural values in which they are written, and Aesop’s fables are no exception. In the fable, ‘The Ass in the Lion’s Skin,’ the cultural values or traditions portrayed include living harmoniously and peacefully in society. This is demonstrated when the Ass owner hits the Fox for the fright and chaos he has caused. This story also reveals that misconduct is not tolerated in society; those who violate moral conduct are punished for wrongdoing.

Works Cited

650. org. “Characteristics Of Fables For Kids.”, 2022,

Puchner, Martin et al. The Norton Anthology of World Literature. 4th ed., W.W. Norton & Company, 2018, pp. 605-612.

Writing Explained. “What Is A Fable? Definition, Examples of Fables in Literature – Writing Explained”. Writing Explained, n.d.,


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Aesop’s Fables

Aesop’s Fables

This week, you read some of Aesop’s Fables. Please answer the following:
Read Aesop pgs. 603-604, excerpts from Aesop’s Fables pgs. 605-612
The Norton Anthology of World Literature. 4th Edition Package 1 OR Volumes A, B, C
General Editor: Martin Puchner
ISBN: 978-0-393-26590-3
Published by: W.W. Norton & Company

1. What is a fable, and what purpose do they serve?
2. Talk about your favorite fable from the excerpts assigned. What is the purpose, and what did you take away from it?
3. What cultural traditions around storytelling are involved with Aesop’s fables?

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