Accreditation Review

Accreditation Review

Accreditation Review

Accreditation Requirements for Leadership Positions Within Lifespan Management

The accreditation for a leadership position within lifespan management requires that the leader meet the required educational background standards related to health care management. Leadership within lifespan management also requires that the individual have professional experience in lifespan management and related care settings consistent with the regulations and requirements of lifespan management. Besides these, a leader within lifespan management must be able to carry out the duties of an administrator. Competencies for healthcare leadership and management focus on approaches to decision-making, resource and operations management, health environment knowledge, interpersonal and communication qualities, change management, and professionalism (Kakemam et al., 2020). Administrators in lifespan management are tasked with care planning in the short and long term, organizing, managing, and coordinating the resources for care, and ensuring the care management plans meet the expected outcomes. Therefore, for the leader to be accredited within lifespan management, they must be able to:

Prove the ability to organize and coordinate sufficient human and physical resources that assist the health care facility in meeting the patient’s needs.

Prove they are responsible and can make worthwhile decisions that enable the facility or organization to comply with existing local, state, and federal regulations on lifespan management and related forms of care services,

Prove their ability to effectively and efficiently manage a health organization’s human, financial, and knowledge resources in a way that supports efficient lifespan management,

Prove the ability to support the development, implementation, and monitoring of policies, action plans, procedures, and standards that define the daily activities and operations of lifespan management,

Have the capabilities to develop and utilize data to develop systematic procedures to help evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of care in improving the wellness of the patient and enhance the quality of care to increase the patient’s longevity,

Have well-defined communication and interpersonal skills to support the organization of the resources required for effective and quality lifespan management to achieve patient comfort and satisfaction.

Leadership Accreditation Implications at the Local, State, and Federal levels

Lifespan management aims to support the continuity of life of a patient after treatment. Leadership is at the core of the capacity of accredited healthcare facilities to deliver quality and safe healthcare in all care settings (Figueroa et al., 2019). Accreditation of leaders in lifespan management benefits the individual, the organization, and health care at the local, state, and federal levels.

Accreditation as a leader implies that the individual has met the necessary standards to lead healthcare organizations and the federal government to achieve public health visions, missions, and goals. Having an accredited leader in lifespan management in an organization is an indicator that the healthcare facility can meet patient management requirements after treatment. The process of achieving leadership accreditation requires that the individual prove high standards towards patient care and ensure that they can work as per the recommended levels of lifespan management. It also requires that individuals realign their abilities and leadership capacities with the needs of the patients and with the set standards of lifespan management. Consequently, this enables the leader to ensure that the quality of care provided during lifespan management is consistent with the needs of the patient throughout the continuum of care and the life span of the patient.

Leadership accreditation can also improve the healthcare organization’s capacity to achieve and maintain accreditation at the local, state, and federal levels. Achieving and maintaining accreditation is also viewed as an indicator of the organization’s quality performance (Brooks et al., 2021). Having accredited leadership also shows that the organization will be able to comply with the regulatory standards of lifespan management at the local, state, and federal levels. Accredited facility leadership also influences the perception of the safety, quality, consistency, and effectiveness of the services provided by a healthcare facility. Ultimately, this impacts the facility’s social and business performance.


Brooks, M., Beauvais, B. M., Kruse, C. S., Fulton, L., Mileski, M., Ramamonjiarivelo, Z., Shanmugam, R., & Lieneck, C. (2021). Accreditation and Certification: Do They Improve Hospital Financial and Quality Performance? Healthcare 2021, Vol. 9, Page 887, 9(7), 887.

Figueroa, C. A., Harrison, R., Chauhan, A., & Meyer, L. (2019). Priorities and challenges for health leadership and workforce management globally: A rapid review. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 1–11.

Kakemam, E., Liang, Z., Janati, A., Arab-Zozani, M., Mohaghegh, B., & Gholizadeh, M. (2020). Leadership and Management Competencies for Hospital Managers: A Systematic Review and Best-Fit Framework Synthesis. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 12, 59.


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