6 questions PLEASE NO AI

1. The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) requires IEP teams to consider the effect of a given disability on a child’s performance and identify each child’s unique strengths, preferences, interests, and needs to develop specially designed instruction. This is what makes special education different from providing general accommodations. Review the “Special Education” and the “Section 300.39 Special Education” topic Resources and describe the three major components that IDEA requires teams to include in the IEP to adequately address specially designed instruction. Explain why you think the law requires teams to explicitly describe specially designed instruction that is different from the instruction provided to all students. In replies to peers, support or refute the ideas presented using the topic Resources, your own research, and specific, real-world examples.

2. Once a student meets the requirements for eligibility for services, special education teachers use the characteristics and best practices defined by research and the results of the evaluation and informal measures to plan specially designed instruction. Specially designed instruction may include changes to the content that will be taught, changes to the methodology or instructional strategies used to support the student, and changes to the delivery of instruction. Explain how understanding the characteristics of disability eligibility categories can assist teachers in planning specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of students. Include a real-world example to support your ideas. In replies to peers provide and discuss additional examples that support the ideas presented.

3. Demographics and needs vary from state to state and district to district. Research the trends and prevalence of disability categories being served in your state and describe them to the class. Explain where you located this information and discuss what you can conclude about the needs of students in your state based upon this information. Explain how knowing this type of information can help you plan instruction to maximize the learning of all students. In replies to peers, discuss trends, or lack of trends, in the types of disability prevalence and explain why you think these similarities/differences occur from state to state.

4. Each state department of education provides resources intended for parent training and information. These organizations provide advocacy services and community resources and supports. The contact information for these centers are located in a document, Procedural Safeguards, given to parents/guardians annually, and when there is a critical change in services or placement.

Locate the parent training and information resource center in your state and review the site. Provide the link to your state’s parent information and training center and describe at least three different services this organization provides. Include discussion of how this tool can be used to support families and individuals with disabilities in your future special education settings. In replies to peers, discuss additional ways these resources could be utilized by teachers and families.

5. Many have said that Universal Design for Learning (UDL) promotes better teaching practices for all educators. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with that statement and provide specific reasons, facts, and real-world examples to support your ideas. In replies to peers, support or refute the ideas presented using evidence from the topic Resources and your research.

6. After completing “Differentiated Instruction: Maximizing the Learning of All Students” and “RTI (PART 1),” describe how a multi-tiered system of support and response to intervention can support the learning of all students in a classroom. List at least four benefits of using MTSS/RTI with struggling students. Defend your reasons with citations and references. In replies to peers, discuss additional benefits that have not already been mentioned.

Each question requires 75-100 words and 1 resource

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